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cirtl online coffee hour series: fostering critical thinking in the stem classroom

posted by on friday, april 12, 2013 in news.

fostering critical thinking
wednesday, april 17th 1-2 pm

national polls indicate that over 90% of faculty believe critical thinking is the most important part of undergraduate education, yet how do we foster critical thinking in our teaching? identifying what it means to “think critically” is one challenge, and how to assess it is another.

join instructors from northwestern university who are involved in an nsf-funded project to assess critical thinking in stem courses. we will provide examples from chemical engineering and other stem fields as well as discuss ideas for creatively engaging students to think critically in your discipline.

facilitated by:

dr. susanna calkins, associate director, faculty development, searle center for advancing learning and teaching, northwestern university

dr. nancy ruggeri, associate director of graduate programs, searle center for advancing learning and teaching, northwestern university

dr. justin notestein, assistant professor of chemical and biological engineering, mccormick school of engineering, northwestern university

this cirtl coffee hour is the last of the year. please check the coffee hour webpage during the summer for information on next year’s series.

there is one more coffee hour in the building an academic career series on april 25th, which will focus on tenure and promotion. we welcome comments or suggestions; contact robin greenler ( with any feedback.

to join the session, download a flyer, or view resources from previous sessions, go to

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