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a student poster conference – spatial analysis: multidisciplinary applications

posted by on tuesday, december 4, 2012 in events, news.

this year, the cft has been creating and sharing a podcast series ‘student learning on display’ which highlights student projects across a variety of disciplines. if you’ve been enjoying that series, you might like to see these student projects wednesday afternoon. the poster session will include a diverse range of projects that integrate gis-based spatial analyses.

if you’re interested in exploring options for using gis in your teaching at vanderbilt, please contact the cft for a one-on-one consultation, or attend gradstep where todd hughes (director of instructional technologies, center for second language studies), beth koontz (cft gtf, department of anthropology) and
zoe leblanc (hastac scholar, history) will present a session on adding spatial dimensions to teaching. they’ll be demonstrating how geospatial tools like gis and gps can be used to leverage space and place in your own instruction, engage students in the production of knowledge, and engender higher order thinking skills.

spatial analysis: multidisciplinary applications
a student poster conference
wednesday, december 5
2:30-4:00 p.m.
101 garland hall

view and chat about a diverse range of projects that integrate gis-based spatial analyses.  students from anthropology, earth and environmental science, and the peabody school of education will present their final project posters for the course anth 280: introduction to gis and remote sensing (taught by prof. steve wernke, anthropology).

research on a variety of topics will be presented:

  • spatial network analysis in archaeology
  • stream flow modeling in riverine systems
  • visibility (viewshed) analysis of archaeological settlements
  • marketing optimization for business
  • identifying and mitigating healthy food deserts
  • spatial patterning of childhood health risks
  • crime hotspots and their implications for at-risk youth
  • and more!

refreshments will be provided! please contact beth koontz for more information.


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