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new website features course blogs

posted by on tuesday, september 11, 2012 in events.

increasingly, vanderbilt instructors are incorporating blogs into their course design. the cft has assembled blogs from several of these courses in one place. course blogs at vanderbilt is a mash-up of live feeds representing a wide variety of courses that use blogging to help students reflect on, comment about, and introduce new ideas to course material. the site was built to help give faculty ideas about how they might use blogging with their students. visit the site and see what students are learning via course blogs! and if you’re using a blog in your course this fall, let us know.

if the idea of starting a blog interests you, the cft will be hosting a conversation on teaching during which two faculty members will show their course blogs and talk about how they use them to support course learning goals, the challenges course blogging presents, and the ways they deal with the challenges. this will also be a unique opportunity for you to meet other instructors in the vanderbilt blogging community and exchange ideas about best practices.

panelists will be:

allison schachter, assistant professor, program in jewish studies. visit her blog picture it: literature, photography, and memory

humberto garcia, assistant professor, english department. visit his blog william blake and enlightenment media

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