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bret event for those in biomedical sciences: launching your academic job search

posted by on wednesday, september 19, 2012 in events.

launching your academic job search & preparing your application materials

friday, september 21

sponsored by the bret office of career development and vanderbilt postdoctoral association and presented by dr. cynthia furhmann, assistant dean, career and professional development, university of massachusetts medical school; advance registration is requested.

this workshop will present information on how to organize your academic job search, including the various components of an application package. first, we will review the timeline for the academic job search process, including tips for how to prepare for and organize your time during the job search. after reviewing the anatomy of a strong academic cv and cover letter, join a mock faculty search committee to critique two real application packages. finally, you will learn the fundamentals for writing a successful research statement, and consider strategies for requesting letters of recommendation. throughout the workshop, we will cover basics then jump quickly into how to refine and tailor your materials for a particular department or type of institution.

this workshop will be useful for scientists on the academic job search now, as well as for those who want to get things in order for future years. the workshop is designed for fields in the basic biomedical sciences, but principles can be applied across scientific disciplines.

the workshop presenter, dr. fuhrmann, recently transitioned to umms from ucsf, where she founded and directed the preparing future faculty program and oversaw professional skills development programs for biomedical scientists. dr. fuhrmann teaches workshops regionally and nationally. she co-authored and coordinated technical development of myidp, an interactive career-planning website launched by science careers in september 2012. funded by aaas and the burroughs wellcome fund, myidp assists science trainees with exploring career options, making career decisions, and creating a career development plan for achieving their goals. click here to register.



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