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registration available for the professional skills for industry careers bret symposium

posted by on tuesday, july 31, 2012 in events.


time and date:
monday, august 13, 1:30-5:00pm (main workshop)
tuesday, august 14, 9:00-10:30 (follow-up q & a with workshop leaders)

light hall, room # tba


who should attend the professional skills for careers in industry workshop?
the workshop is for phd students and postdoctoral fellows in the sciences who are considering careers in industry. the workshop facilitators have extensive experience in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry, specifically.

for more information contact:
this workshop is hosted by the bret office of career development. contact kim petrie (615-322-6885 or


register now for the 2012 career symposium, “professional skills for industry careers,” being held in light hall on august 13 from 1:30-5:00;  an optional q&a with workshop facilitators will be held the following day, august 14, from 9:00-10:30. this year’s symposium features dr. randy ribaudo and larry petcovic of human workflows, who will present a sciphd workshop at vanderbilt.

the workshop is designed for phd students and postdocs interested in careers in industry. the workshop will help trainees understand what industry employer’s look for in job candidates and teach trainees how to relate their academic experiences to employer needs. workshop participants will learn how to “read between the lines” of a job ad and learn what industry perceives as the strengths and weaknesses of academic candidates.

access to the online sciphd training course and self-assessment is included with the $15 workshop registration fee. workshop participants can use the self-assessment tool to create a personalized report profiling their personal strengths and relating them to various job roles in industry. (participants can attend the workshop the afternoon of august 13, take the sciphd self-assessment online the night of august 13, and bring questions about the assessment report to the follow-up q&a on august 14.)

advance registration and payment is required for this workshop. seats are limited, so register today!

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