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episode 33 – student learning on display: texting while driving campaign

posted by on wednesday, july 25, 2012 in news, podcast.

in an effort to better understand student learning, particularly deep learning, as it occurs at vanderbilt, the cft is producing a special series of podcasts highlighting student projects across a variety of disciplines.

in this episode cft director derek bruff reports on-location from the  human and organizational development department’s nashville internship impact award competition, where he talks with graduating senior nia washington about her internship with the pediatric trauma injury prevention program at the monroe carell jr. children’s hospital at vanderbilt. nia developed a campaign to spread awareness about the risks associated with distracted driving, then helped two area high schools implement the campaign.

// [mp3, 8 min 29 sec]

nia washington earned a double major in human and organizational development and medicine, health, & society.

be sure to listen to these prior episodes in our “student learning on display” podcast series:

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