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episode 32 – student learning on display: art and portable media

posted by on monday, july 2, 2012 in news, podcast.

in an effort to better understand student learning, particularly deep learning, as it occurs at vanderbilt, the cft is producing a special series of podcasts highlighting student projects across a variety of disciplines.

in this episode we join cft director derek bruff as he reports on-location from the curb creative campus catalyst event. vanderbilt students julie choi, yeon-sil yi, grace burnworth, and cj rhoades (all pictured here) participated in amelia winger-bearskin’s spring 2012 course, “portable media and the art of the cell phone.” students in this course collected art samples from students around campus through an off-the-shelf ipad drawing app, then turned that student artwork into a unique font.

// [mp3, 7 min 16 sec]

be sure to listen to these prior episodes in our “student learning on display” podcast series:



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