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free webinar with howard rheingold march 22

posted by on tuesday, march 20, 2012 in news.

the new media consortium will be hosting a free webinar on thursday, march 22 with howard rheingold. rsvp for this live event.

rheingold is the author of best-sellers virtual realitythe virtual communitysmart mobsnet smart, and editor of best-seller the millennium whole earth catalog which takes audiences on a journey through the human side of the technology-shaped future.  in rheingold’s newest book, net smart: how to thrive online, he discusses the use of digital and social media as a source of empowerment. there is a difference between using it actively and passively, and howard shows us how to bridge that gap.

“mindful use of digital media means thinking about what we are doing, cultivating an ongoing inner inquiry into how we want to spend our time,” rheingold shares. “i outline five fundamental digital literacies, online skills that will help us do this.”

“how can we use digital media so that they help us become empowered participants rather than passive consumers? in net smart, i show how to use social media intelligently, humanely, and, above all, mindfully.

mindful use of digital media means thinking about what we are doing, cultivating an ongoing inner inquiry into how we want to spend our time. i outline five fundamental digital literacies, online skills that will help us do this: attention, participation, collaboration, critical consumption of information (or “crap detection”), and network smarts.”

– rheingold, in net smart

rsvp for this live event on thursday, march 22 at 10:30 am cst. in this horizon connect webinar, rheingold will be helping you think more strategically about digital media and answering your questions live.

interested in learning more about rheingold?

rheingold has taught as appointed lecturer at uc berkeley and stanford university. he was a non-resident fellow at the annenberg center for communication, visiting professor at de montfort university, uk, which awarded him an honorary doctorate of technology degree. his website is full of resources on being literate in today’s digital world.

he also has a ted talk in which he talks about the coming world of collaboration, participatory media and collective action — and how wikipedia is really an outgrowth of our natural human instinct to work as a group. you can watch his (and listen!) to his talk below:


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