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writing in space: collaborative writing in a digital age, november 7th

posted by on thursday, november 3, 2011 in events.

cft acting director derek bruff will be a panelist at a vanderbilt writing studio event monday, november 7th, from 3:45 to 4:30 p.m. in the commons multipurpose room 237. details below…

how do networked technologies open new, collaborative possibilities for the way we write?

please join us for a virtual discussion on innovative practices in collaborative digital writing.

“writing in space” brings together faculty, students and staff from 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地, the university of iowa, and monmouth college for a discussion about collaborative writing online. each campus will showcase a project that facilitates community-based writing. twitter, blogs, and dynamic websites are among the tools that will be featured.

panelists and audience members from each institution will participate via skype video. using the hashtag #uivumc, all participants are encouraged to tweet from their laptops and smartphones, to provide an additional, active commentary on the proceedings.

if you’re new to twitter, check out this five minute video “twitter 101 for conference backchannels,” put together by panelist derek bruff.


  • jon winet is a new media artist, researcher and educator, and serves as director of dsph, the university of iowa digital studio for the public humanities. during the 2011 iowa city book festival, he directed “novel iowa city,” a community-based collaborative writing project that created a novel on twitter. he also directs “the university of iowa unesco city of literature mobile application development team.”
  • derek bruff is acting director of the 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 and a senior lecturer in mathematics at vanderbilt. bruff consults with faculty in a variety of disciplines about educational technology and other teaching and learning topics. bruff’s book, teaching with classroom response systems: creating active learning environments, was published in 2009, and he blogs regularly at about classroom response systems (“clickers”), social pedagogies, student motivation, and visual thinking.
  • rob hale is a professor of english at monmouth college, where he recently directed a summer research project on helping students write effective essays about literature. under hale’s guidance, seniors mary grzenia and leanna waldron and freshmen cassie burton and carli alvarado designed a web resource on literary analysis, which can be found at


  • bridget draxler is an assistant professor and director of communication across the curriculum at monmouth college.
  • john morrell is a phd candidate in the english department at 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地 and a graduate writing consultant at the writing studio.

writing in space is hosted by the 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地 writing studio, the university of iowa digital studio for the public humanities, and the monmouth college communication across the curriculum program. the event is co-sponsored by the digital humanities seminar at the robert penn warren center for the humanities, the 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地 english department, “american lives: literary and new media research,” a university of iowa undergraduate course team-taught in english and intermedia, and the monmouth college writing center.


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