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phd career connections seminar series

posted by on thursday, august 4, 2011 in events.

the bret office of career development is pleased to announce a new monthly seminar series about career options for phd scientists. vanderbilt phd career connections is a student- and postdoc-run series featuring speakers from a diverse range of exciting scientific careers.

the first seminar is tuesday, august 9 featuring:

dr. leslie-wisner-lynch
president & ceo, tennessee technology development corporation
executive director, biotn foundation

from academics to economic development: a journey down the non-traditional career path
tuesday, august 9, 4:00pm
light hall room 512
advance registration requested at

co-sponsored by the life science tennessee graduate alliance, vanderbilt postdoctoral association, biochemistry student association, and bret office of career development

dr. leslie wisner-lynch is president and ceo of the tennessee technology development corporation, a legislatively created, not-for-profit corporation that works with the state to increase science and technology businesses in tennessee.  she is founding member, and part-time executive director of the biotn foundation, inc, a not-for profit foundation committed to advancing collaboration between industry, k12 education and higher ed in tennessee. dr. wisner-lynch also serves as the governor’s designated chair for the stem advisory council for the stem innovation network, the stem education component of tennessee’s $500m first to the top federal education reform funding program. prior to her current role at ttdc, dr. wisner-lynch was director of applied research at biomimetic therapeutics, inc. in franklin, tn, a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of combination device products for the repair/regeneration of orthopedic injuries

full list of monthly seminars and speaker bios available at the phd career connections website


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