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call for proposals – 2011 international society for the scholarship of teaching and learning conference

posted by on monday, november 22, 2010 in news.

the 8th annual conference of the international society of the scholarship of teaching and learning (issotl) will be held in milwaukee, wisconsin, on october 20-23, 2011. the conference is an opportunity for higher education faculty and staff from around the world to share their scholarship of teaching and learning (sotl). sotl involves

  • asking questions about student learning and the teaching activities designed to promote student learning in an effort, at least in part, to improve one’s own teaching practice,
  • answering those questions by systematically analyzing evidence of student learning, and
  • sharing the results of that analysis publicly in order to invite review and to contribute to the body of knowledge on student learning in a variety of contexts.

the conference theme is “transforming the academy through the theory & practice of sotl.” proposals for panels, papers, posters, workshops, and roundtables will be accepted through march 15, 2011.

for more information on the issotl conference, visit the conference website. for more information on sotl, see our teaching guide on the scholarship of teaching and learning.

image: “milwaukee art museum,” indy kethdy, flickr (cc)

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