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successful beginnings for college teaching: engaging your students from the first day

posted by on monday, may 10, 2010 in library.

successful beginnings book cover

successful beginnings for college teaching: engaging your students from the first day, by angela provitera mcglynn, atwood publishing, 2001.

from the publisher: laying the groundwork for a successful semester starts with the first day of class. author angela provitera mcglynn tells that the first day is not the day to pass out a syllabus and let everyone go. rather, it’s the day to set the context for the rest of the semester.

the author stresses the need for developing an atmosphere of respect for diversity while simultaneously providing a safe and exciting place to explore differences.

included are a whole variety of ice breakers and other exercises to keep students engaged and interacting. in addition, such vital issues as classroom dynamics, motivating students, and dealing with incivility are addressed with suggestions for promoting positive interactions.

see the book’s acorn record for call number and availability.


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