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teaching certificate participants sharing their work at friday’s grad student research symposium

posted by on wednesday, march 24, 2010 in news.

vanderbilt’s annual graduate student research symposium (organized by the graduate student council) will be held this thursday and friday, march 25th and 26th.  seven participants in the cft’s teaching certificate program will be sharing their cycle 3 “scholarship of teaching and learning” projects at the symposium.  these projects all involve intentional and systematic inquiry into student learning and teaching practices that lead to student learning.  teaching certificate participants are required to complete such projects for the program, and they’re required to “go public” with their work in order to contribute to the wider teaching community.

here’s a list of the teaching certificate projects at the symposium.  all presentations occur on friday the 25th at the student life center.

  • jeremy federman, hearing and speech sciences, “student retention of knowledge: sotl methods in a lab course,” 3:20 to 3:40, ballroom b
  • katherine moynihan, cell & developmental biology, “student attitudes toward science: majors and non-majors,” poster session, 11:30 to 1:20, ballroom a
  • hillary hager carter, “lecture vs. laboratory learning in developmental biology,” poster session
  • allison atwood, david vaught, and alisha russell, “the difference between experts and novices in approaching and reading scientific journal articles,” poster session
  • eve proper, “assessing graduate student conceptual understanding using concept maps: the necessity of understanding the assessment tool,” poster session

please come and find out about our teaching certificate participants’ good work!

also, julie miller vick, co-author of the academic job search handbook, will deliver a keynote talk in the wilson hall auditorium 4:10 to 5:00 on thursday the 25th entitled “being strategic while doing your phd.”

in addition, cft graduate teaching fellow chris paris (religion), teaching affiliate maida finch (leadership, policy, & organization), and former teaching affiliate arun krishnan (civil & environmental engineering) will be presenting their disciplinary research at the symposium.

image: “瑞士vs喀麦隆走地 2008 student life center” by flickr user matthewjetthall

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