{"id":35686,"date":"2020-07-21t08:00:33","date_gmt":"2020-07-21t13:00:33","guid":{"rendered":"\/\/www.imrbdigital.com\/?p=35686"},"modified":"2020-07-13t14:36:10","modified_gmt":"2020-07-13t19:36:10","slug":"resources-for-teaching-online-hybrid-and-socially-distant-classes","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"\/\/www.imrbdigital.com\/2020\/07\/resources-for-teaching-online-hybrid-and-socially-distant-classes\/","title":{"rendered":"resources for teaching online, hybrid, and socially distant classes"},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"<\/a>by heather fedesco, cft assistant director<\/p>\n

thinking about the fall semester and what our teaching will be like raises two very extreme responses. on the one hand, everything feels so uncertain. will my class be entirely online? where will my students be taking my course – on campus, in a different time zone, in a different country? no one has ever done hybrid teaching before with some students in class, others attending remotely, everyone masked and socially distant \u2013 how can i even begin to plan for such a challenging and unprecedented teaching scenario?<\/p>\n

and yet there is also an overwhelming number of resources out there to help us navigate these unusual circumstances. but where do i start looking? what tools should i try to learn how to use for my particular teaching context? and how do i find the time to scour the internet for these resources?<\/p>\n

in an effort to help ease some of these dichotomous feelings, the cft has compiled a set of resources for teaching online, hybrid, and socially distant classes<\/a>. many of these ideas were crowdsourced from the participants in the 2020 vanderbilt cft online course design institute (ocdi). participants were asked to share a link or a resource they find useful, as well as some information as to why they find this resource useful. some of their reflections on the resource they recommended are provided within the document. cft graduate teaching fellow, rachel gould, reviewed the resources that were shared by participants in the may and june offerings of the ocdi and organized their contributions into this document. cft assistant director, joe bandy added additional resources to assist the vanderbilt community.<\/p>\n

within this set of resources, you will find the following topics:<\/p>\n