{"id":25596,"date":"2016-09-01t11:35:39","date_gmt":"2016-09-01t16:35:39","guid":{"rendered":"\/\/www.imrbdigital.com\/?page_id=25596"},"modified":"2018-07-30t14:33:32","modified_gmt":"2018-07-30t19:33:32","slug":"spring-2016-teaching-visits","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"\/\/www.imrbdigital.com\/spring-2016-teaching-visits\/","title":{"rendered":"spring 2016 teaching visits (archived)"},"content":{"rendered":"

the cft thanks the following faculty for hosting teaching visits – spring 2016

douglas clark, associate professor of teaching & learning<\/h2>\n

sced 3890\/7500: scientific modeling<\/h4>\n

\"\"<\/a>douglas clark is associate professor in the department of teaching & learning at peabody college. his special topics course in science education,scientific modeling, focuses on investigating and understanding various aspects of\u00a0 “scientific literacies” through active construction of scientific models, investigates and increases understanding of the process of “thinking scientifically”, and asks participants to design prototypes of learning environments focused on investigating aspects of “scientific literacies”<\/p>\n



brooke ackerly, associate professor of political science & philosophy<\/h2>\n

polsci 3253: ethics and public policy<\/h4>\n

\"\"brooke ackerly, associate professor of political science and philosophy, has wide ranging research interests in democratic theory, feminist methodologies, human rights, and social and environmental justice. her teaching, consequently, is in the areas of feminist theory and methods, human rights, contemporary political thought, and gender and the history of political thought. this spring, we will be visiting her course, political science 3253: ethics and public policy, which is focused around the question, \u201cwhat is the right thing for us to do?\u201d more specifically, it addresses local and global issues of climate change, poverty, and gender justice as contexts for theoretical arguments about ethics, justice, public policy, expertise, and responsibility in the nation and the world. her teaching methods involve a mix of student engagement techniques including lectures, problem-focused discussion, debate, and other forms of collaborative learning.<\/p>\n

mark schoenfield, professor of english<\/h2>\n

english 3610: the romantic period<\/h4>\n

\"\"mark schoenfield is a professor of english, a winner of the jeffrey nordhaus award for excellence in undergraduate teaching in the humanities, and a scholar of romanticism, existentialism, and law and literature. his teaching interests are in the latter areas. we will be visiting his course, english 3610: the romantic period, which explores the movement\u2019s poetry and novels, particularly their historic significance, their aesthetic norms, and their transformation of social understandings. the course is organized around intensive reading and writing, as well as discussion and active learning, with student-led presentations.<\/p>\n


kane jennings, professor of chemical & biomolecular engineering<\/h2>\n

chbe 4860\/5860: molecular aspects of chemical engineering<\/h4>\n

\"jennings\"kane jennings is the department chair and professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering. his research efforts are aimed at the molecular design and fabrication of new surfaces and materials that mimic, replicate, or employ highly functional biological systems. in his course molecular aspects of chemical engineering, he explores: the integration of molecular chemistry and property-based thermodynamic descriptions, with a focus on intermolecular energetics, for process analysis and product design. case studies involve molecular, macromolecular, and biomolecular systems.<\/p>\n


to register for the spring visits:<\/strong><\/p>\n