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‘teaching writing’

teaching innovations at vanderbilt: danielle picard, mary anne caton and wikipedia editing

dec. 15, 2019—by faith rovenolt, cft undergraduate intern we’ve all been told—or been the one telling people—to not use wikipedia as a source. there’s a variety of reasons, of course, with the main one being the credibility of the information. wikipedia is aware of this and has made a series of changes aimed at rectifying this. their...

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teaching writing workshop series: scaffolding writing across the semester

dec. 4, 2019—over the course of the academic year, the writing studio leads a series of faculty workshops focused on different aspects of teaching writing. workshops provide participants with current research, strategies for best practices, and a forum for discussing how these approaches might be adapted to teaching writing in their disciplines. the teaching writing workshop series...

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teaching writing workshop series: writing about visual texts

oct. 22, 2019—over the course of the academic year, the writing studio leads a series of faculty workshops focused on different aspects of teaching writing. workshops provide participants with current research, strategies for best practices, and a forum for discussing how these approaches might be adapted to teaching writing in their disciplines. the teaching writing workshop series...

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teaching innovations at vanderbilt: john bradley and teaching writing

oct. 14, 2019—by faith rovenolt, cft undergraduate intern talking with dr. john bradley, director of the writing studio, helped me name critical lessons about writing that that i’ve realized firsthand as a vanderbilt student here. i think teachers and students like me can benefit from both the abstract approaches and the concrete tools bradley uses to foster...

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teaching writing workshop series: responding to student writing

sep. 16, 2019—over the course of the academic year, the writing studio leads a series of faculty workshops focused on different aspects of teaching writing. workshops provide participants with current research, strategies for best practices, and a forum for discussing how these approaches might be adapted to teaching writing in their disciplines. the teaching writing workshop series...

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teaching innovations at vanderbilt: lisa fazio and peerceptiv

sep. 16, 2019—by faith rovenolt, cft undergraduate intern as a student, i have complicated feelings about peer review. it can be incredibly helpful, but only if it’s implemented well and if all students involved put real time and effort into giving useful feedback. that’s why i think dr. lisa fazio’s use of peerceptiv could be useful to...

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writing as a design process

jan. 24, 2019—by derek bruff, cft director on tuesday, november 6th, the cft’s learning community on teaching design thinking hosted a lively conversation about writing as a design process. both writing and design involve knowing one’s audience and being intentional about feedback and revision. we invited haerin shin, assistant professor of english, and matthew worsnick, assistant professor...

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in-class activities for teaching writing

oct. 3, 2018—by derek bruff, cft director, cross-posted from agile learning i’ve been teaching my first-year writing seminar on cryptography off and on since 2010, and yet i still feel like a rookie when it comes to teaching writing. i’ve learned a lot, certainly, but there always seems more to learn. that’s why i was excited about...

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teaching writing workshop series in september

aug. 29, 2017—the vanderbilt writing studio is offering the teaching writing workshop series. the workshops are geared toward supporting those who teach writing across the disciplines at 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地, and workshops are open to faculty and graduate students from all departments. contact megan minarich at for details. fostering writing and collaboration in the classroom thursday september...

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upcoming faculty teaching visit with lorraine lopez, associate professor of english, tuesday, february 24th

feb. 10, 2015—engl 199: foundations of literary study imaginative writing: joining the conversation lorraine lopez is an associate professor of english and co-director of vanderbilt’s multidisciplinary program in latino and latina studies. in this course, lorraine helps her students consider the questions of what literature is and why it matters, using the students’ own creative work as...

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