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teaching innovations at vanderbilt: neil kelley, jennifer bradham and class simulations

may. 27, 2019—by faith rovenolt, cft undergraduate intern neil kelley teaches ees 1030l: oceanography lab, assisted by his tas, michaela peterson and jennifer bradham. i was able to speak with kelley and bradham about a specific lab that, quite frankly, made me want to take the course just so i could be a part of it. and...

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teaching innovations at vanderbilt: mary lauren pfieffer, anna richmond, and pediatric simulations

may. 13, 2019—by faith rovenolt, cft undergraduate intern teaching advanced practice nursing in primary care of the child is a challenge: students need to understand a range of concepts for caring for children and adolescents across a large developmental spectrum, building knowledge that has cognitive, psychosocial, and motor components. mary lauren pfieffer, instructor in nursing, and anna...

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