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‘digital literacies’

teaching digital literacies: six conversations

aug. 12, 2019—by derek bruff, cft director how can we prepare students for a world where they both consume and produce media in a variety of digital forms? in 2018-2019, the cft hosted a learning community for educators interested in exploring ways to teach digital literacies, that is, the skills and competences students need to thoughtfully learn,...

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faculty panel considers future of digital literacies on leading lines podcast

jun. 24, 2019—on leading lines, we usually talk with educators, researchers, and technologists about what they’re doing now, and ask them a question or two about where they’d like to see educational technology go in the next few years. in this episode, however, we’re going to camp out in the future. the vanderbilt 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 recently...

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so what’s next? a conversation on the future of digital literacies

jun. 3, 2019—by chelsea yarborough, graduate teaching fellow, and derek bruff, director in the final meeting of the 2018-2019 digital literacy learning community, we gave ourselves space and permission to wonder about the possibilities of the future while also discussing the realities of today. the hope for this conversation was to engage the imagination and invite both...

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engaging possibility: digital literacy, disability, and design

apr. 25, 2019—by chelsea yarborough, graduate teaching fellow, and derek bruff, director on march 15, 2019, the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分’s digital learning community engaged in an important conversation centered on digital literacy and accessibility. the goal of this session was to focus on the real concerns of different learners already present in our classrooms and to consider...

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a conversation on the future of digital literacies

apr. 9, 2019—it’s a safe bet that technology will change. and as technology changes, the ways we create and consume information and media will change, as will the ways we connect and communicate with each other. what will digital literacies look like in five or ten years? and what does the answer to that question mean for...

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a conversation on disability and digital literacies

mar. 11, 2019—as we teach various digital literacies, including critical consumption and multimodal production, how can we be inclusive of students with different abilities? . join us for a conversation about digital literacies, disability, and universal design for learning at the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 on friday, march 15th, from 12:10 to 1:30pm. . our panelists will be:...

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a conversation on teaching collaborations and digital literacies

feb. 5, 2019—the next conversation in our “teaching digital literacies” series is coming up in two weeks! helping our students develop digital literacies often involves moving outside our own areas of expertise–and comfort zones. how can we collaborate with others to teach students skills that we ourselves are still learning? join us for a conversation on collaborations...

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engaging ethically and actively in online communities

jan. 8, 2019—by chelsea yarborough, graduate teaching fellow, and derek bruff, director the cft’s learning community on teaching digital literacies concluded its fall conversation series on november 13th with a discussion of the ways instructors can help students participate productively in online communities. to get the conversation started, derek bruff, cft director, invited each of our three...

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online communities: teaching digital literacies learning community

nov. 8, 2018—how can we encourage students to engage in civil and respective dialogue in digital environments? how can we help our students learn to contribute productively to online communities? join us for a conversation on teaching students to particpate in online communities at the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 on tuesday, november 13, 2018, from 2:00 to 3:30pm....

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a conversation on multimodal assignments

nov. 5, 2018—by chelsea yarborough, graduate teaching fellow, and derek bruff, director on october 16, 2018, the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分’s learning community on teaching digital literacies gathered for a conversation about multimodal assignments, those that include more than just the written word.  three panelists joined the growing learning community to discuss the joys, challenges, and overall value...

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