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cft staff can help you prepare for fall teaching

aug. 16, 2013— faculty and graduate student instructors preparing for fall courses are encouraged to take advantage of the cft’s consultation services.  consultants are available to help you clarify the goals you have for your students’ learning and find ways to align your syllabus, assignments, and lesson plans with those goals.  we’re also glad to help you...

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reflecting on and documenting your teaching experiences

jun. 8, 2013—reflecting on teaching: what?  for whom?  why? often, the motivation to improve one’s teaching by revising practices or experimenting with new initiatives stems from reflection.  this reflection often focuses on feedback received from others, such as student evaluations or peer reviews.  reflection further involves one’s own assessment of experiences, through self-observation and activities that foster...

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interpreting and making sense of course evaluations

dec. 11, 2012—as the semester draws to a close, our students are given the opportunity to provide us with a potentially valuable source of feedback on our teaching and its effects on their learning.  you may find it challenging, however, to interpret what your end-of-semester course evaluations mean and decide how to act on them.  the cft...

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cft staff can help you prepare for fall teaching

aug. 8, 2012—faculty and graduate student instructors preparing for fall courses are encouraged to take advantage of the cft’s consultation services.  consultants are available to help you clarify the goals you have for your students’ learning and find ways to align your syllabus, assignments, and lesson plans with those goals.  we’re also glad to help you reflect...

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