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throughout the school year, the center organizes workshops and events on a variety of teaching topics and issues for vanderbilt faculty, graduate and professional students, post-doctoral fellows, staff, and others. the center also offers other special events of interest to the 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地 teaching community.



conversations on teaching

these events focus on emergent teaching and learning issues in an informal, discussion-based format. these sessions provide members of the vanderbilt teaching community a chance to share their teaching experiences and learn from each other. conversations on teaching typically being with opening remarks from panelists and then open up to larger group discussions.

see upcoming conversations on teaching. registration is open.

teaching workshops

these workshops focus on practical, concrete strategies for common teaching tasks, challenges, and opportunities.  these sessions draw on research-based best practices from the literature on teaching and learning and help participants consider ways to apply those best practices in their teaching.  teaching workshops are typically a mix of presentation, large group discussion, small group activities, and times for individual reflection.

see upcoming teaching workshops. registration is open.

the center also offers other special events of interest to the 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地 teaching community.

interested in creating a workshop?

the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 designs tailored workshops for individuals or departments on a variety of topics, including (but not limited to):

  • course design
  • classroom dynamics
  • diversity in the classroom
  • motivating students
  • teaching with technology
  • cooperative learning activities
  • assessing student learning
  • grading
  • interpreting student evaluations
  • the scholarship of teaching and learning
  • documentation of teaching effectiveness

in addition to workshops, the cft offers the following services for individuals and groups:

  • consultations with departments or other administrative units
  • consultations with individual instructors, based on
    • observations of instructors in the classroom
    • video recordings of instructors teaching
    • feedback from students via focus groups