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junior faculty teaching fellow spotlight: melissa glassfor

apr. 15, 2016—each month, the cft newsletter highlights the work of our junior faculty teaching fellows. this month, melissa glassford, nursing, talks about her teaching philosophy and interests. i teach in the family nurse practitioner program at the school of nursing, instructing nurses as they develop the skills and knowledge to become primary care providers for individuals...

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biological sciences seminar series features biology education researcher kimberly tanner on april 18th

apr. 14, 2016—dr. kimberly tanner, professor of biology at san francisco state university and 2012 national outstanding university science teacher, will give a seminar in the biological sciences department monday, april 18, 4:10-5:15 in medical research building iii, room 1220. professor tanner directs the science education partnership and assessment laboratory, which facilitates and investigates the impact of scientist-teacher partnerships...

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from the stacks…

apr. 8, 2016—promoting integrated and transformative assessment: a deeper focus on student learning by catherine m. wehlburg assessment plays a key role in institutions of higher education. however, many colleges and universities simply add their assessment plans onto other teaching, learning, service, and research activities in order to prepare for an impending accreditation visit. in this important...

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bold fellows program is accepting applications

apr. 7, 2016—we are recruiting graduate students to participate in the bold fellows program beginning in august 2016. the bold fellows program is designed to help graduate student/faculty teams build expertise in developing online instructional modules grounded in good course design principles and our understanding of how people learn. stem faculty members partner with graduate students or postdocs to design and develop online modules...

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apply to be a junior faculty teaching fellow!

apr. 6, 2016—we are now accepting applications for 2016-17. the cft’s junior faculty teaching fellows program is designed to help you: learn from the teaching experiences of colleagues at vanderbilt. • develop skills that will enable you to analyze and improve your teaching over time. • enjoy the community of teachers at vanderbilt. • learn to balance...

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gender awareness and inclusion forums

apr. 5, 2016—the faculty senate is hosting two gender awareness and inclusion forums, april 1st in sarratt student center 112, and april 6th in mayborn 204, both from 4-5pm.  the purpose of the forums is to help faculty, students, and staff become more aware of the ways to create a more civil and inclusive campus — but...

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campus encouraged to participate in blackboard feedback survey

apr. 4, 2016—the cft, as the administrative home for blackboard, vanderbilt’s primary course management system, is conducting an assessment in march to determine the extent to which blackboard is meeting the needs of campus users. results of this needs assessment will inform vanderbilt’s decision to renew its contract with blackboard, set to expire in 2017, or to...

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vanderbilt institute for digital learning calls for microgrant proposals

mar. 24, 2016—the vanderbilt institute for digital learning (vidl) in partnership with 瑞士vs喀麦隆走地 information technology (vuit) is currently accepting proposals for microgrants. vidl will accept proposals for funding of up to $500 for faculty and staff with preference given to requests for the purchase of digital equipment to aid with innovative projects in teaching or research. funding can be used...

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junior faculty teaching fellow spotlight: david diehl

mar. 23, 2016—each month, the cft newsletter highlights the work of our junior faculty teaching fellows. this month,david diehl, human and organizational development, talks about his teaching philosophy and interests. i teach in peabody college’s department of human and organizational development, instructing undergraduates who are preparing for roles in various types of organizations and graduate students primarily interested...

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the future of learning: digital, data-driven, and distributed – george siemens, april 13th

mar. 22, 2016—this year’s schmidt family educational technologies lecture will be given by george siemens, executive director of the learning innovation and networked knowledge research lab at the university of texas at arlington. siemens’ lecture, “the future of learning: digital, data-driven, and distributed,” is scheduled for wednesday, april 13th, at 4:10pm in the jacobs auditorium in featheringill...

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