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welcome our new senior faculty fellows!

posted by on friday, september 8, 2023 in news.

the provost’s office for faculty affairs and professional education (ofape) has appointed two senior faculty fellows, lily claiborne (earth & environmental sciences) and pavneet aulakh (english), who, for part of their time this year, will be offering workshops and mentorship as part of our open classroom and new faculty teaching academy. please join us in welcoming them!

pavneet aulakh has been a faculty member in the department of english since 2014. in addition to composition courses on poetry and drama, he has taught on chaucer, shakespeare, the kinship joining renaissance science and imaginative literature, and pre-modern conceptualizations of race and nationhood. before completing his phd at the university of california, santa barbara, he developed a love for working with, and learning from, students as both a high school english teacher and an instructor of english as a foreign language. with 25 years of classroom experience, he joins us as a senior teaching fellow eager to think collaboratively not only about the pleasures of the profession but also how the challenges it routinely poses can generate pedagogical innovation.

lily claiborne is an assistant professor of the practice in earth & environmental sciences.  lily teaches courses in geology, community engaged science, and geological filmmaking, where she centers inclusive practices and active learning.  she loves the classroom, but especially values opportunities to get students into the field, where the neat and tidy knowledge they gain the classroom is challenged by the messy and imperfect natural world, so often transforming understanding and building students’ sense of confidence and belonging.  when wearing her scientist hat, she uses the chemistry and textures of rocks and minerals to understand the magmatic plumbing systems that underlie modern and extinct volcanoes. lily has been part of cft programs in the past as both a graduate teaching fellow (2011-12) and junior faculty teaching fellow (2014-15), and we are very happy for her to return in this new role.

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