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welcome, boni yraguen!

posted by on wednesday, september 6, 2023 in news.

join us in welcoming our newest member of the staff, boni yraguen, instructional consultant. originally from oregon, boni is an alumna of the university of south alabama in mechanical engineering. she holds a phd in mechanical engineering from the georgia institute of technology, specializing in thermal fluid sciences, specifically diesel combustion. boni’s academic pursuits also encompass the scholarship of teaching and learning and engineering education. her research delves into designing engineering assessments for higher-order critical thinking, integrating technical-reflection in the engineering classroom, fostering stem faculty development, and graduate education. boni has experience in teaching and developing both undergraduate and graduate lecture and lab courses. while her interests are diverse, her passion lies in teaching and engaging with students. during her leisure time, you can spot boni embarking on road trips with her hairless cats (fig and oliver), practicing kickboxing, or mastering a new craft, presently quilting. at the cft, boni’s primary role will be to assist with our programs for graduate instructors, but she will support many of our faculty programs and services as well. please join us in welcoming boni to the cft!

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