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queer teaching, queer thriving

posted by on thursday, august 31, 2023 in news.

red, yellow, blue, and green overlapping circles with the words teaching, difference, and power overlayedthe 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 and the k.c. potter center for lgbtqi life are proud to offer a 2023-2024 learning community about ways campus educators may help lgbtqi students to thrive academically and socially. open to all faculty, graduate students, and staff of any background, the learning community will discuss a wide variety of issues: the needs of lgbtqi+ students and faculty on campus, the complexities of gender and sexual identities, inclusive course design and teaching practices, building lgbtqi+ community, as well as educator wellness and self-care. the formats of the meetings will vary, including pedagogical colloquia, panels, and workshops, among others. as a learning community with multiple, thematically-linked events that inform each other, we hope participants attend as many as schedules permit. if you are interested in joining the discussions please register for the learning community at this link.

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