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course design institute on inclusive teaching wrapup and review

posted by on wednesday, june 7, 2023 in events.

this may, the cft hosted its third annual course design institute on inclusive teaching. instructors and staff from across campus participated in the event, delving into the scholarship on inclusive teaching and applying it via course design work. over four days, they met with each other in large and small groups, and with resource faculty and staff from across campus. in these conversations, they learned to engage a diverse range of voices and perspectives, support student belonging and empowerment, develop productive dialogues about difficult subjects, provide accessible assignments and activities, and close performance and persistence gaps.

we would like to thank the 30 participants for their many insights and their work to transform their courses and practices. we also would like to express our gratitude for the faculty and staff who gave of their time to share their wisdom and support more inclusive teaching practices, including ashley brown, katie clements, rory dicker, karen enyedy, julaine fowlin, steph mahnke, elizabeth meadows, rosevelt noble, and marcy singer-gabella. together, all of you made the event a success and contributed greatly to vanderbilt’s efforts toward inclusion and equity.

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