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2023 course design institute on inclusive teaching

posted by on wednesday, april 12, 2023 in events.

we invite you to join our course design institute on the theme of inclusive teaching. this event will have an in-person component for those in the area but will be available virtually via brightspace and zoom, may 8 – 11 (9am-4pm monday, tuesday, and wednesday, and 9-12:30pm thursday). during the four-day institute, participants will (re)design courses with careful attention to the ways they can help all students thrive through greater belonging and engagement. in the institute, we will explore a variety of facets of inclusive teaching, especially…

  • motivating and challenging all students
  • engaging a diverse range of voices and perspectives
  • helping all students better understand – and cooperate across – differences
  • developing trusting and productive dialogues about difficult subjects
  • providing accessible and supportive assignments and activities
  • closing performance and persistence gaps
  • ensuring all students are meaningfully involved in their own learning and growth

throughout the institute’s events, participants will…

  • learn strategies for designing courses in which learning objectives, activities, and assessments foster inclusion and equity
  • work collaboratively in a mix of small- and large-group sessions to refine and apply these strategies to diverse teaching contexts
  • expand a peer network of vanderbilt educators dedicated to inclusion and equity

develop a (re)designed syllabus and course plans for the coming semesters

if you are interested in attending the course design institute on inclusive teaching, please register here. if you have further questions, please contact the cft’s joe bandy or stacey johnson.

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