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online and hybrid teaching working group

posted by on thursday, march 17, 2022 in events, resource.

by stacey m. johnson

in this series of three meetings via zoom, our group will explore experiential teaching online through the lens of telecollaboration, online community engagement, and online course design. join us for one, two or all three of these conversations in which we will explore resources and challenges associated with experiential online and hybrid courses.   

tuesday, march 29, 3-4pm
online community engagement

online community engagement allows students to engage in service and practical learning experiences even when they cannot be physically present in a community.
for this meeting, we will prepare by listening to an interview with experts in online community engagement, then meet together at 3pm to discuss how this form of experiential online learning might apply to our contexts.

tuesday, april 19, 3-4pm
experiential online course design

there are a variety of existing models for designing experience-based online courses
. for this meeting, we will prepare by reading an overview of the most widely used experiential models, then meet together at 3pm to discuss our challenges and next steps in designing experiential online courses.

register for this series using this form.

email stacey m. johnson at with any questions.






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