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cft opens new digital media lab to support faculty

posted by on monday, september 20, 2021 in resource.

the digital media lab in the digital commons building at 1101 19th avenue south provides guidance, instruction, and resources to all faculty, regardless of technology experience, who want to create and use digital media in their teaching. the digital media specialists at the dml can help faculty learn about video production, audio production, graphic design, and web design.

have a teaching challenge that you imagine digital media might help answer? have you seen or heard about an application or a tool that looks potentially useful in your teaching, but you don’t know where to start? have you tried some technology in class and want to reconsider how you use it or if there are other, better options? an in-person consultation might be a good place to start.  call 615-322-7290 or email rhett mcdaniel, cft assistant director for digital media.

find out more about the new digital media lab at






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