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promoting persistence in stem learning community

posted by on thursday, june 10, 2021 in news.


stem disciplines have long been concerned with disparities between underrepresented and well-represented student groups and the associated “pipeline” problem, where underrepresented students are more likely to switch away from stem majors. a group of about eighteen faculty from eight departments met throughout 2020-2021 to explore approaches to increasing equity and inclusion in their courses and programs.

in addition to identifying steps to take in their individual courses, the faculty produced a guide for making exams more effective and inclusive and contributed to a panel on reducing educational disparities.

thanks to group members katie clements, thomas clements, david cliffel, kathy friedman, jessica gilpin, guil gualda, vicki greene, richard haglund, shane hutson, doug mcmahon, jim pask, adriane seiffert, savanna starko, keivan stassun, kim unertl, megan williams, and ben yett and to speakers luis leyva, brittany marshall, and taylor mcneill.



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