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latest leading lines podcast featuring stephen kosslyn

posted by on monday, april 26, 2021 in podcast.

in october 2020, stephen kosslyn published a new book called active learning online: five principles that make online courses come alive. the book draws on kosslyn’s experiences at minerva, but also his very long and impressive career in higher education.

he recently facilitated a virtual workshop here at vanderbilt on his new book, and we took the opportunity to talk with him for the podcast. kosslyn goes through his five principles for active learning, offers practical strategies for implementing these principles in the virtual classroom, and speaks to the important role motivation plays in learning.

you can hear this podcast episode, as well as others you’ve missed, by visiting the leading lines website, searching for “leading lines” in itunes, or subscribing via rss. you can also follow us on twitter, @leadinglinespod.






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