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transform your teaching with perusall with eric mazur

posted by on wednesday, march 10, 2021 in events, resource.

learning is a social experience — it requires interactions and interactivity. the coronavirus pandemic has been a good opportunity to rethink our approach to teaching. moving some tasks to an online format suggests that many activities that have traditionally been synchronous and instructor-paced, can be made asynchronous and self-paced. through perusall, we will demonstrate how to move information transfer and sense-making online and make it interactive, promoting social interactions between students. in addition, we will discuss how the platform promotes intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to improve student performance.

date: friday, march 12
time: 1:30pm (cst)
location: web link will be provided to registrants
facilitator: eric mazur, harvard university balkanski professor of physics and applied physics








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