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student motivation journal club: supporting our students’ motivation in the era of covid-19

posted by on wednesday, april 8, 2020 in commentary, news.

by cynthia brame, cft associate director

our student motivation journal club is ending the academic year in the age of covid-19 and all that implies: working from home, teaching and/or taking classes remotely, reading shifting but consistently bad news each day. we are learning how to negotiate challenges of spotty internet connection, kids and animals in the workspace, social isolation, and for some, the aftereffects of the tornado that hit nashville a week before the coronavirus announced itself loudly. we know our students are experiencing their own challenges, some of which are the same as ours and some of which are particular to their own situation.

at our final meeting, we therefore focused on ways that we can support our students’ motivation in this time of remote learning. [more]



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