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the cft welcomes the 2019-20 bold fellow teams!

posted by on wednesday, september 18, 2019 in news.

the bold fellows program helps graduate students from all disciplines design and develop online learning experiences, from building online learning modules to fostering online spaces for their students to interact. each fellow works with a faculty member who has identified a teaching “problem” in a particular course and develops a potential solution that they then integrate into the course. importantly, as part of the project, they gather data on how the experience impacts student learning and share those results with colleagues.

the program spans two semesters: the fall 2019 “design and development” semester, in which fellows receive training and support as they develop their module, and the spring 2020 “implementation and assessment” semester, in which the fellows implement the project, gather evidence, and work with the cft to interpret and present their results.

look for the poster session where the fellows will share their projects in may 2020!

2019-2020 bold fellow teams

christina davis working with
david weintraub, professor of physics and astronomy
maria gorchichko working with
david ernst, professor of physics and astronomy
ethan joll working with
dave merryman, professor of biomedical engineering
deborah levy working with
james booth, professor of psychology sciences
erika nelson working with
james hudnut-beumler, professor of history
christopher stachurski working with
susan verberne-sutton, senior lecturer, chemistry
shih-yuan liang working with
melanie schuele, associate professor of special education, and heather gillum, adjunct associate professor of special education



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