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cft is accepting applications for a lead instructional technologist!

posted by on thursday, june 20, 2019 in news.

we’re hiring! the cft is seeking applicants for a lead instructional technologist position. this position will support faculty, students, and staff at vanderbilt to enhance student learning through the use of brightspace, vanderbilt’s course management system, and other online learning platforms.  the lead instructional technologist will report to the cft’s assistant director for educational technology and work collaboratively with senior and support staff at the cft, as well as others involved in supporting teaching at the university.


the lead instructional technologist will:

  • provide frontline technical and pedagogical support for instructors and students using vanderbilt’s course management system (cms) and related technologies.
  • liaise with outside vendors in support of course management system activity at vanderbilt.
  • coordinate and collaborate both internally and with other campus units involved in educational technology, particularly online learning platforms.
  • support effective use of vanderbilt’s cms by managing support tools, documenting support interactions, and providing leadership for improving support.
  • keep informed on current and emerging course management system technologies, including vanderbilt’s, and other online learning platforms.

see our employment page for more information about the position and instructions for submitting applications.



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