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catch up on season three of the leading lines podcast

posted by on monday, september 18, 2017 in news.

in the two latest episodes of the leading lines podcast we speak with eric schmalz, citizen history community manager at the u.s. holocaust museum and humberto garcia, associate professor of english at the university of california at merced.

schmalz works with the holocaust museum’s history unfolded project. the museum calls the project a “citizen history” project, in the style of crowd-sourced citizen science projects like galaxy zoo or foldit. regular people are invited to find newspaper articles from the 30s and 40s, either online or at our local libraries, ones that reference the holocaust, and contribute them to an online database. so far, the project has collected over 8,000 articles!

garcia talks about his reasons for teaching with blogs, as well as specific strategies he has used over time to integrate out-of-class and in-class learning through blogs. and he describes his experiments with classroom response systems as a way to incorporate student blogging in larger classes.


to listen to the podcasts, visit the leading lines website, search for “leading lines” in itunes, or subscribe via rss.  you can also follow us on twitter, @leadinglinespod.

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