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episode 3 – an interview with michelle sulikowski

posted by on thursday, january 24, 2008 in podcast.

michelle sulikowski

in this episode, we feature excerpts from an interview with michelle sulikowski, senior lecturer in chemistry and director of education at the vanderbilt institute of chemical biology. in this interview, michelle describes her use of safeassign, a software tool that can detect unoriginal content in student papers. michelle used safeassign in a first-year writing course on chemical biology in which students wrote papers about chemical and biological topics of their choosing. she used safeassign to teach her students about plagiarism and the writing process in the natural sciences.

episode 3 – an interview with michelle sulikowski

[mp3, 17 min 35 sec]

relevant links:

if you’ve used a plagiarism detection and prevention tool such as safeassign in your teaching or have ideas for doing so, we encourage you to leave a comment here. vanderbilt instructors are also welcome to call the 2022年世界杯中国小组赛积分 at 322-7290 to arrange a meeting with a cft teaching consultant to discuss ways to use safeassign effectively in their teaching.

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